
Course: “Occupational Safety and Health and other common Health issues”


Instruction: For each lesson, there will be 3 parts including "pre-test", "lesson" and "post-test". Please click these parts in turn to complete the sections.

Topic 1: Guidelines and Standards on Occupational Safety and Health

Pre-test (self examination before learning):
Post-test (self-examination after completing the video above):

Topic 1A: Guidelines and Standards on Occupational Safety and Health for Amazon Suppliers

Pre-test (self examination before learning):
Post-test (self-examination after completing the video above):

Topic 2: Occupational Health Problems and Accidents - Risk factors, prevention and management

Pre-test (self examination before learning):
Post-test (self-examination after completing the video above):

Topic 3: Mental Healthcare for Workers

Pre-test (self examination before learning):
Post-test (self-examination after completing the video above):

Topic 4: Popular Infectious Diseases

Pre-test (self examination before learning):
Post-test (self-examination after completing the video above):

Topic 5: Prevention, Care and Treatment of some common diseases for children under 5

Pre-test (self examination before learning):
Post-test (self-examination after completing the video above):

Topic 6: Non-communicable Diseases

Pre-test (self examination before learning):
Post-test (self-examination after completing the video above):


Please take the course assessment here! We appreciate all of your comments to improve this course’s quality. Thanks and Best regards!

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